23 Main Street, Irvington, NY 10533

Equipment Wiring Services

Equipment Wiring Services

Knowing how to properly handle and manage electrical wire will prolong your appliance life and increase efficiency, increasing safety and saving money.

Below are just a few of the electrical equipment wiring services our qualified electricians perform. Call us for an explanation and free consultation.

Electrical Panel Wiring
Home Security System Wiring
HVAC Wiring
Spa and Hot Tub Wiring

Do you need a quote, more information, or have questions?

Call us today at (914) 591-0100 and get your electrical project started!

23 Main Street
Irvington, NY 10533
Office Hours
  • Mon-Fri
    7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Emergency Service Available
  • Westchester Master License 1640
  • Connecticut E1 License ELC.0198640-E1
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